Bible Reading Blog

Bible Reading Blog

“Leaning In and Looking Up”

Categories: Congregational Bible Reading


“… I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.” (Psalm 131.2)

No one is more selfish than a newborn. They are demanding, insistent and brutishly unapologetic about it. Time after time you feed them, and yet 2 hours later they’re demanding your attention as if you had no idea what you were doing. By the way they act, you would think they had never eaten before.

It’s a frustrating season of life, but over time things begin to change. Children pick up on patterns from their parents. They see that mom and dad are always taking care of their needs. They may not appreciate it, but on a basic level they come to trust their parents (hence why they’re always pulling on our pant legs and begging for food). As they experience the satisfaction of getting what they need, they find peace in your consistent care. This doesn’t mean their needs have gone away. Instead, they have learned to lean into the people providing for them and whom they have come to trust.

When we feel our needs are not being met, our emotions often move towards anxiety or frustration. Even as adults, we want satisfaction, or at least resolution and become very “me-focused”. This anxiety often creates momentum in our hearts. As a result, we feel inclined to make rash decisions or allow things to come out of our mouth that are improper. Much like a nursing infant, we behave thoughtless of the One who has promised to meet our needs. We may think that life is more complicated, or our needs are different than that of a child’s; but the reality is we’re all just looking for comfort and satisfaction.

Sometimes we just need to slow down and lean into our Father. Knowing Him more intimately doesn’t get rid of our needs but reminds us that He will always meet them… and so much more (Matthew 6.25-33; Ephesians 3.20)! The peace we all desire comes when we rest in his promises. But to find rest I must acknowledge that I am just a weaned child, old enough to walk but not old enough, strong enough or wise enough to know how to get there without help.

What we desire most is what God offers; but we must learn to trust Him. Not just a verbal acknowledgment but a learned practice and appreciation of God’s providence (Proverbs 3.5-6). He works “all things together for good” (Romans 8.28), but sometimes that means we have to “wait on the Lord” (Psalm 27.14). If your heart is anxious, have you talked to your Father about it? Have you recounted the ways he has provided for you? Are you behaving like an impatient newborn or are you leaning in and looking up?

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46.10)