Bible Reading Blog

Bible Reading Blog

“Follow the King”

Categories: Congregational Bible Reading

Bible Reading: Matthew 5-7

In ancient Hebrew culture, kings were considered living examples of the law, meaning they taught what it meant to follow the law through both teaching and example. However, reading through the Kings and Chronicles you see most of Israel’s kings failed miserably to fulfil this charge and honor God’s standards. There was a clear need among God’s people for a leader who would lead them “with the Lord at their head” (Micah 2.13). Within the context of Jewish history, Jesus’ perfection to the law doesn’t simply highlight his obedience; it also demonstrates his Divine kingship.

One of Matthew’s key themes is that Jesus is the “son of David… the king” (Matthew 1.1, 6), and his kingdom is good news for everyone (Matthew 4.23)! As we read the Sermon on the Mount this week (Matthew 5-7), it is important to do so in the context of Jesus as King because it puts authority behind these words. It’s not “The Suggestion on the Mount” … This is the decree of the King telling HIS expectations for citizens of HIS kingdom. If we are to follow Jesus, and claim him as our Lord and Savior, that means we must...

1. Submit to his authority. Citizens of any kingdom must operate within the parameters of the what the leadership says. The Sermon on the Mount is intended to give kingdom citizens a path to follow. There is an implied imperative that we obey the words of Jesus, but we must realize that our submission to his authority is really our greatest need. We need a king who does what is best for us. We need a king who perfectly practices what he preaches. We need a king who leads us closer to our Father by showing us the way… and Jesus is that King!

2. Practice righteousness. Jesus said, “Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5.20). I think many tend to be averse to this thought, because it implies that we can create righteousness on our own, which we cannot (Philippians 3.9). But his point in telling us to “practice righteousness” is that we mimic his perfect example, and we listen to what he says to help guide us in doing that. Of course, we must do it in the proper spirit (Matthew 6.1), but if we do not practice what our King expects, who are we serving? (1 John 3.4-10)

Jesus’ words ought to humble us when we realize how short we fall of his expectations… but they also should empower us because Jesus thinks we can do better… And he knows we can do better! When Jesus says, “You must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5.48), he doesn’t mean something unattainable like a completely sinless life, but rather that we should be growing and maturing by submission and practice. Jesus is encouraging us to do our very best and be our very best as citizens of the kingdom. That is the lifestyle of a citizen of the kingdom.

Are you doing your very best to follow the King?