Bible Reading Blog

Bible Reading Blog

We have weekly blogs that are written based on our congregational bible reading. These are a great teaching tool to supplement our understanding of the readings. Check out this page weekly to read the latest blogs!

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Love God, Love Others

Tuesday, October 08, 2019


“Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 10.25) 

When the lawyer asked his question, it was not as though he didn’t know what the law said. He knew he was to love God with all his heart, soul, and strength, and love his neighbor as himself; but would he do it?

Many of us are in the same boat with the lawyer. Sometimes we have an information problem, but in many instances we don’t have a knowing problem; we have a doing problem. Twice Jesus said to the lawyer, “Do this.”

Many people know the parable of the Good Samaritan and regard it as a noble story of an extraordinary individual; but this is God’s expectation for everyone who would follow Him. Jesus’ affirmation of the lawyer’s response (Luke 10.27) is more than a declaration of understanding. Loving God means serving others and showing mercy. This is the real issue of the parable.

The inclusion of the priest and Levite emphasizes this point in the story. There is an unspoken expectation that followers of God will lead a compassionate, merciful life. That is why people in need often seek out spiritual counselors. If these characters were common people, we might have excused their behavior… but everyone understands these men SHOULD have stopped to help.

Jesus’ emphasis on serving as a means of loving God highlights that our call is not about following the right checklist or simply maintaining our personal relationship with the Father; it’s about taking God’s will seriously and meeting people’s needs as we can. 

In California, more than 600 lawyer hopefuls were taking the state bar exams in the Pasadena Convention Center when a 50- year-old man taking the test suffered a heart attack. Only two of the 600 test takers, John Leslie and Eunice Morgan, stopped to help the man. They administered CPR until paramedics arrived, then resumed taking the exam. Citing policy, the test supervisor refused to allow the two additional time to make up for the 40 minutes they spent helping the victim. Jerome Braun, the state’s bar senior executive for admissions, backed the decision stating, ‘If these two want to be lawyers, they should learn a lesson about priorities.’

The truth is that only two people of the 600 had learned that lesson. Perhaps we have some lessons to learn, as well. Sometimes we become so consumed with our own spiritual journey that we do not see others bloodied and beaten along the way. The parable of the Good Samaritan sets a clear expectation for God’s people: a love for God always translates into love for humanity.

“Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth” (1 John 3:18)

The Nicest Yard

Monday, September 30, 2019


My neighbor across the street has the nicest yard on the block. It is green, manicured and weed-free because she takes care of it every day. My yard on the other hand is not given as much attention, and it shows. Although it looks nice, it is not uncommon for my yard to have overgrown edges or weeds in the yard. If you were to compare our yards today, the difference is evident. But that difference did not happen overnight. We each made decisions over time that produced two different outcomes.

So, it is with the condition of our hearts. In Jesus’ parable of the sower (Luke 8.4-8) he taught that our hearts are like soil that must be cultivated. If the soil is hard, or it has imperfections or weeds growing in it, the result will not be fruit but failure.

It is important to note that Jesus’ teaching does not look at the reaction to God’s word in a single moment but over a period of time. Just as with maintaining a beautiful lawn, spiritual fruitfulness takes patience and intentionality. It is a process developed by daily choices to hear the word and “hold it fast” (Luke 8.15).

To develop this process, there are 2 important things we must do:

1. Be honest about our priorities. My neighbor doesn’t have to tell me how much she cares about her yard; I know because she works on it every morning. I could blow smoke and tell you I care about my yard, but the results say something different. Until I am willing to be honest about my current situation, the results won’t change.

Our actions speak louder than words, but when both are in alignment and pointing towards spiritual growth, we have better clarity to make good choices.

2. Pull the weeds. Sometimes my neighbor’s yard has weeds… but they don’t last long. She pulls them out daily because she only wants good things growing in her yard. That’s the attitude we need when it comes to our spiritual lives!

It takes conscious effort to focus on God and his ways. Many of us have lives filled with activities and responsibilities, which are not inherently evil. However, these things may be weeds choking our growth. Jesus encourages us to constantly evaluate our lives and remove things detrimental to our spiritual focus.

Ultimately, God’s Word produces the growth, but we have incredible power to limit what it can do in our lives. It is critical to cultivate a way of life that embraces the Word of God as an agent of change and allows the Word to do its work.  

“[hear] the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience” (Luke 8.15)

Always Be Humble

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


“A woman of the city, who was a sinner, stood behind Jesus. She was weeping and began washing his feet with her tears and her hair, kissing them repeatedly. The Pharisee who invited Jesus thought to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known what sort of woman this is who is touching him… she is a sinner!”” (Luke 7.37-39, paraphrased)

The Pharisee was right about one thing: this woman was a sinner (Luke 7.47). But his comment highlights a deception that religious people “have it together.” The great paradox of faith is that those who don’t “have it together” but are humbled by their failings, will become the greatest (Luke 9.48). Ironically, those who should be the humblest are often the most judgmental towards others.  

Having been a Christian for nearly 20 years, I understand the struggle. It is hard to read scripture and still see fault in my life. No one likes to feel vulnerable and have to admit  imperfections. That makes us appear shaky in our faith and can lead to feelings of hopeless because of our failings. But that is not a sign of weak faith; it is a testament to the need and power of Jesus (2 Corinthians 12.9-10).

The forgiveness offered from Jesus prompts us to greater humility. This manifests in many ways, but it always demonstrated in relationships with others, especially those we deem unworthy. Much like this Pharisee, we sometimes mask our insecurities with comparison thinking (see also Luke 18.11-12). We must guard against this attitude because it will eventually manifest as unsympathetic ambivalence towards the needs of others. Although we may appear righteous, it is easy to identify the fruit of this attitude in our lives: Do I look at others with compassion or do disregard those who don’t appear to "have it together"?

Ultimately, comparison thinking can lead to self-deception regarding our condition before God. Paul regularly warned believers not to think more of themselves (Romans 12.3) and to serve one another in humility (Philippians 2.3). Your sins may not be evident to others, but they exist. A religious front will not change your condition. We all need the forgiveness of sins Jesus offers (Ephesians 1.7-8; 1 John 2.1-2). Some are forgiven much, others little (Luke 7.47); but the freedom from sin is the same for all.  

Paul reminds us that “all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory” (Romans 3.23), but not all remember the life-changing power of encountering Jesus. The challenge of faith is maintaining humility as we grow. We need not always be so desperate, but we must always be humble (James 4.6-7; 1 Peter 5.5-6).

“…by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think with sober judgment… Do not be haughty but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.” (Romans 12.3, 16)

Don't Forget to Pray

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


“But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.” (Luke 5.16)
“In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.” (Luke 6.12)

These verses highlight Jesus’ intentionality when it came to prayer. He was never “too busy” or thoughtless of his prayer time. In fact, he chose to steal away when he was exceptionally in demand (Luke 5.15) or overwhelmed with his schedule (Luke 6.19).

Jesus’ example in prayer is especially profound considering his statement in Luke 4.43: “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God… for I was sent for this purpose.” If this was his purpose, then why remove himself from the people to pray? Because it gave him clarity as he reconnected with the Father (see Luke 22.42).  

There are two critical things Jesus did when it came to prayer:

He made time. The demand for Jesus did not alter his priority. He was going to do the will of the Father (Luke 2.49; 4.43; John 6.38), and that meant he could not lose his connection to God. He would often get up early (Mark 1.35) or stay up late (Luke 6.12) to ensure he had quality time with the Father.

When we were dating, Kelsey and I would sometimes stay up late talking. I almost always struggled to function the next day, but I didn’t care because it was time well-spent with the one I loved. When someone is important to us, we will make time for them.  

He went away. Not just to the next room… Luke tells us he would go to “desolate” places (Luke 6.12). Jesus frequently left everyone and everything to be with the One he valued the most.

There are times for those quick, in-the-moment prayers, but to really connect with God we need to reduce the distractions. Think about what the relationship with your spouse would look like if you only talked to them when things were difficult or when others were around. It would be impossible to build intimacy or demonstrate value. Sometimes we just need to get away and spend alone time with God.

Life can be hectic. We may feel like we’ve got a million things demanding our attention. Making time or getting away may seem impossible. Sometimes we divide our attention to try and get more done… but we must never neglect to pray. It is the most valuable thing God has given to believers. Jesus demonstrates that prayers offers great confidence and peace as we develop a deeper, more intentional relationship with our Father.

“…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4.6-7)

The Fruit of Repentance

Monday, September 09, 2019


“And he went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins… [John said,] Bear fruits in keeping with repentance.... Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Luke 3.3, 8-9)

The gospel always begins with an unapologetic call to repentance. Forgiveness cannot occur except where one realizes responsibility for sin and turns from it. When we realize what sin costs us and what it cost God, we are better prepared to turn from it.

After turning to God, forgiveness should yield a transformed character as a response to the grace of God. John assumes that repentance will have a fruit. Jesus will say later in this gospel that one who is forgiven much loves the Lord much (Luke 7.47).

What should that fruit look like? The simple answer here involves treating people with generosity in meeting their need and in refusal to abuse authority (Luke 3.10-14). In other words, a transformed life transforms our ways of relating to others.

It is important to note that a transformed life will cause tension in some relationships. John’s message of repentance to Herod struck a nerve (Luke 3.18-20). Herod tried to stop the effect it had on his conscience by locking John up; but nothing Herod does can change his accountability. He was opposed to God and he needed to know.

Sometimes sinners respond with hostility when sin is called sin. The universality of repentance affects the hearts of men differently, but it cannot be tamed to meet the need of the situation.

The scriptures highlight that this transformed life is a choice. Paul would say we are transformed by the renewal of our minds (Romans 12.2). The writer of Hebrews encourages to do this every day (Hebrews 3.7-8, 15; 4.7). This means our fruit bearing is a matter that requires constant attention and purposeful investment of our minds.

We must recognize that being born in a Christian home, going to a Christian church, or surrounding ourselves with Christian people is not the same as personally turning away from our sins. Living a “moral Christian life” means nothing if we are not different than who we used to be. We must bear fruit that shows we are committed to turning from sin.

The gospel is a call to think, act, and live differently. Jesus does not save perfect people, but forgiven people whose sin takes many forms... but to whom the same forgiveness is offered. And so, a warning without the gospel is imbalanced. No one is above God’s standard. When it comes to him, all are accountable. The only bridge over the chasm of sin is the recognition that with repentance comes forgiveness.

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